Public Works
Public Works Department
131 Badger Street
Monday – Thursday: 6:30 am to 4:00 pm
Friday: 6:00 am to 10:00 am
Public Works Operation's Manager: Mat Nickels
The Village of Walworth’s Public Works Department is responsible for overseeing and maintaining the streets, parks, and water and sewer system.
Brush and Leaf Pickup
Small branches and leaves will be picked up beginning in April every 1st and 3rd Monday. Place leaves and small branches at the end of the terrace. Please note grass clippings are never picked up by the Village but may be disposed at the compost site.
Small branches and leaves will be picked up beginning in April every 1st and 3rd Monday. Place leaves and small branches at the end of the terrace. Please note grass clippings are never picked up by the Village but may be disposed at the compost site.
Pick up ends October 15th. If you have brush, grass, or branches to dispose of after this date, you may take them to the Public Works compost site located at 131 Badger Street. Please keep items in separate piles.
Brush Chipping Policy
The Village will chip tree limbs and brush on the 1st and 3rd Mondays April through October. Brush and tree limbs shall be no larger than six inches in diameter, and must be placed at the road side with cut ends facing the road. The Village will not chip or collect a whole tree that was cut up or any tree limbs or brush cut by a contractor. They are the responsibility of the homeowner and/or contractor. If the time spent at a residence exceeds twenty minutes the Village will charge $25 for each additional five minutes of labor required. Piles that are not stacked in an orderly fashion and are too cumbersome to pull apart will be left for the homeowner to restack. Leaves, tall grass, and weeds shall not be mixed in with material to be chipped.